



  • n.

    (尤指西班牙语城镇的)露天广场( plaza的名词复数 );购物中心;

  • 学习《Plazas》怎么用


    Plazas, Performers, and Spectators: Political Theaters of the Classic Maya
    Analyzing Performance of ETC Plazas Using New Computer Software
    Level-of-Service Analysis of Toll Plazas on Freeway Main Lines
    The Archaeology of Plazas and the Proxemics of Ritual: Three Andean Traditions
    Proposed Level-of-Service Methodology for Toll Plazas
    New Methodology for Defining Level of Service at Toll Plazas
    Plazas para los antepasados: Descentralización y poder corporativo en las formaciones políticas preincaicas de los Andes circumpun...
    Case Study on Spatial Cognition and Evaluation of Shanghai Downtown Plazas
    New Model for Evaluation of Traffic Operations at Electronic Toll Collection Plazas
    Investigating Activity Patterns In Prehispanic Plazas: Weak Acid‐Extraction ICP–AES Analysis of Anthrosols at Classic Period El Co...
    上一篇:Plaza Accord